Our offers are non-binding and subject to confirmation. Subject to errors and prior sale.
With the closure of a purchasing or rental agreement made by our certification or mediation, the commission or agency fee is to be paid. This commission fee is known to the respective purchaser or seller and becomes due upon conclusion of the purchase contract or rental contract signed in one’s private capacity. If the person interested in purchase or renting has been offered the property from another party, the interested party is obliged to notify the Schaich company of this within 7 days in writing. Insofar as no information from the interested party is received by the Schaich company, the interested purchasing party is obliged to pay the full commission.
Our offers are confidential and only intended for the recipient in person, and may not be given to third parties without our consent. The copying of photographs from our homepage or other communication media of our company is expressly prohibited. Violations will be subject to liability to pay damages.
The client is obliged to refer all interested parties to us who contact him/her.
All contact between the parties is fundamentally only to be carried out through our office. In the case of direct negotiations, reference is to be made to us immediately and our office is to be informed of the result. Insofar as no other provision has been agreed, viewing of the interior can only be carried out after prior consultation with us and in agreement with the selling party.
Conformity between the offered and the concluding price is not necessary! You are to check the preceding details of our offer before concluding the contract, as we are not liable under any circumstances for their correctness.
The initiation of negotiations signifies the placing of an order and the recognition of the above conditions.
The ineffectiveness of one or more of these provisions does not alter the effectiveness of the remaining terms.
Denia in Spain is the place of performance and the court of jurisdiction for both parties, insofar as no other legal regulations prevail. It is hereby expressly stated that all business transactions are subject to Spanish law.